The Management Board of Sygnis SA with its registered office in Gdańsk “the Company” informs that today the subsidiary company Syglass sp. z o.o., acting as a leader in a consortium with Koç University and Optofil Optik ve Elektronik Tasarim A.Ş. both entities based in Turkey; “hereinafter also referred to as the “Consortium”, has received information that the project implemented by the Consortium has been selected for funding in the international competition EUREKA Eurostars 3 – Call 6. This project, titled “Development and Validation of an Electronics System”, has been selected for funding in the international competition EUREKA Eurostars 3 – Call 6. “Development and Validation of an Endoscope for the Real-Time In Situ Ciliary Beat Frequency Analysis in Airways”. “ENDOBEAT”, is to develop a novel method of diagnosing respiratory diseases associated with ciliary dysfunction, by developing an innovative endoscope capable of measuring the real-time ciliary beat frequency directly in the airways, which is currently not available.
The total value of the project is EUR 972,760, with the requested grant amount for Syglass sp. z o.o. being EUR 343,488 the company stipulates that the final grant amount will be determined in the contract for the implementation of this project. The project will be implemented over a period of 36 months, starting in September 2024.
The Board of Directors indicates that in order to receive funding for the implementation of this project, the Consortium must conclude the relevant agreement, of which the Company will inform by means of a separate announcement.