DEPO 3D printing of glassy carbon directly from the gas phase to the solid phase


Development of hi-tech in Poland and Europe (we use the existing technological and personnel potential)


Production of carbon electronics resistant to harsh conditions


To transform into a company like EU TSMC for carbon electronics, not silicon electronics

The current capabilities of silicon electronics are insufficient:

High temperatures in the power industry

Low chemical resistance

Difficult conditions in space applications

Low temperature

Direct microscale gas-to-solid 3D printing technology

Glassy carbon (main material)

  • Lightweight

  • Durable / strong

  • Biocompatible

  • Good electrical and thermal conductor

  • Chemically and thermally resistant

  • Exhibits semiconductor properties

Closed and controlled working environment

  • We have full control over the chemical composition of the print and can dope the material

Precision of a focused laser beam

  • Micrometer-scale objects

Printing on virtually any type of substrate

  • such as SiC and hundreds of others

Combination of multiple materials

Business model

Planned position in the value chain: Supplier of advanced components

Technology Leader

Kamil Kłosek

He joined Sygnis in 2021 as one of the engineers in the R&D team, and in 2022 became the leader of the DEPO project. Since then, he has led the DEPO project in technological development. He has many years of scientific experience in the field of epitaxial methods, confirmed by numerous publications and cooperation with international centers. A materials science specialist.